

The Monitoring Association (TMA)

Part newsletter, part magazine, and part calendar of events, TMA’s Dispatch is a quarterly that keeps members informed on trends, legislation and association business.

Ernst Young Technologies (EYT)

EYT had me create Enterprise magazine (in only three weeks!) solely as a one-off marketing tool, but decided they liked it so much we created another couple of “special issues” that included outside paid advertising.

Air & Space Magazine (Smithsonian)

For three years I designed the covers and nameplate for Air & Space magazine. Working collaboratively with the managing editor and photo editor, a main article would be selected and artwork or photos assigned.

Wild Steelhead & Atlantic Salmon

A mouthful of a name, but a great project. Editor and publisher Tom Pero hired me to design the bi-monthly from the ground up. His network of photographers, illustrators and writers — all sport fishermen — were an incredible resource to draw from and work with. The magazine’s catch-and-release ethos and commitment to the environment and conservation made me proud to to be part of that team.
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